Welcome to the company.

The boss is on the edge and any of us could get fired, at any moment.
Hope you can keep his mood in check... remember, your job is also on the line.

This game was made for the second VimJam, hosted by Vimlark and 8bit to Infinity in September of 2021. 

Art Assets from itch.io by 2dPig

Contains music (c) 2021 Joshua McLean (https://joshua-mclean.itch.io)
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Joshua McLean Free Music Pack 8 Super:
Soundtrack: In combavite motion
Changes: Music speed scaled by 0.4

I locked the screen to 1280x720, due to lack of experience with scaling.

I had not planned on doing any changes to the game, but at the end of the jam, I decided to tweak a few things.
As recommended by Vimlark, I went back and changed the meter so it now fills all the way up before the boss fires someone.
I also tweaked the meter as to how much it fills extra once a task is available.

The game is now playable in the browser, instead of as a downloadable.